How I configure and use my Mac.
Latest update: September 3, 2023
It's trustworthy and updates automatically, so I prefer to use the Apple App Store when possible.
Most things aren't on the App Store, though. Brew is a third-party package manager that lets you install almost everything else. Install it by following the instructions at
Here are some common commands:
brew search PATTERN
brew info PACKAGE
brew install [--cask] PACKAGE
brew upgrade [--greedy]
iTerm2 has some nice features that the Apple Terminal lacks, like fancy tmux handling.
brew install --cask iterm2
iTerm 2 > Settings > Profiles > Default > Terminal > Unlimited Scrollback
iTerm 2 > Settings > Profiles > Default > Keys > Left Option Key: Esc+
Sometimes I use vim, and escape is too far away, plus I never want Caps Lock.
System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shorcuts... > Modifier Keys
Caps Lock (⇪) key | ⎋ Escape |
My Keychron K8 keyboard has toggle that switches between Windows and Mac mode, which controls what the 2 keys to the left of the spacebar do. I like to keep it on Windows mode so that it works normally on Windows and Linux by default, and then swap those keys in the macOS settings so that I never have to flip that switch.
You don't want to do this unless you have a similar weird keyboard situation.
System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shorcuts... > Modifier Keys
Option (⌥) key | ⌘ Command |
Command (⌘) key | ⌥ Option |
macOS interprets the F keys on my Keychron K8 as brightness, volume, etc. keys instead of normal F keys.
System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts... > Function Keys > Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys
When holding down a key, macOS sometimes opens an accent selection menu instead of repeating that key. To disable it, run this command and log back in.
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled false
System Preferences > Keyboard > Key repeat rate > Fast
System Preferences > Keyboard > Delay until repeat > Short
LinearMouse is a utility that gives you more advanced control over your cursor.
brew install --cask linearmouse
I'm really used to Linux and Windows cursor behavior, which doesn't usually have acceleration, so I disable it.
LinearMouse > Pointer > Acceleration > 0
Note you can instead check "Disable pointer acceleration", but then you can't also control the cursor speed.
I like it a certain speed that I'm used to.
LinearMouse > Pointer > Speed > 0.3
So-called "Natural" scrolling feels fine on the trackpad, but it feels weird when scrolling the mouse wheel down scrolls up. LinearMouse lets you control the mouse and trackpad's scrolling direction independently.
LinearMouse > Scrolling > Reverse Scrolling
The built-in audio menu bar icon lets you quickly switch output sources, but not input sources.
Install Signal Shifter through the App Store to get a menu bar icon that lets you switch both.
Launch it on boot:
Signal Shifter > Open at Login
By default system beeps and boops always play through the built-in laptop speakers.
System Settings > Sound > Play sound effects through: Selected Sound Output Device
I like this one. It's nostalgic.
System Settings > Sound > Alert sound > Sonumi
These are the built-in window-related shortcuts I find useful. I learned most of them from Apple's Mac keyboard shortcuts page.
Cycle through apps | Command-Tab |
Cycle through windows of front app | Command-` |
Hide front app | Command-H |
Show only front app | Option-Command-H |
Show only a particular app | Option-Command and click on a Dock icon |
Hide all apps | Option-Command and click on the Desktop |
For advanced window management you need a third party app. There are many options. Moom is a good one. It costs $10. You can install Moom from the App Store. A free alternative is Rectangle, but it doesn't support layouts.
Launch it on boot:
Moom > Preferences > General > Launch automatically on login
Moom lets you configure keyboard shortcuts for different "Move and Zoom" commands.
Moom > Custom
These are some bindings I use:
Move to left half of screen | Command-Option-Control-Left Arrow |
Move to right half of screen | Command-Option-Control-Right Arrow |
Maximize to entire screen | Command-Option-Control-F |
Move to left monitor | Command-Option-Control-, |
Move to right monitor | Command-Option-Control-. |
Revert to previous position | Command-Option-Control-Enter |
Moom lets you arrange some windows, save it as a layout, and then recall the layout with a keyboard shortcut.
Moom menu icon > Save Window Layout Snapshot...
These are some layouts I use:
Coding (IDE, terminal, browser) | Command-Option-Control-C |
Browsing (2 side-by-side browser windows) | Command-Option-Control-B |
Discord (Discord, browser) | Command-Option-Control-D |
Note that recalling a Moom layout doesn't open an app if it's not already running, unfortunately.
Spotlight (Command-Space
) is a quick way to launch apps and do
math using the keyboard, but I prefer it doesn't also show my files and other
things, because that's not useful for my usual workflow and makes the results
distracting. So, I restrict its results like this:
System Settings > Siri & Spotlight > Spotlight > Search results
I try to use the keyboard instead of the dock whenever possible, and prefer to keep more screen real-estate free.
System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Automatically hide and show the Dock
By default the dock is full of apps I don't use, like Photos, Messages, and Contacts. Drag them out of the dock and wait a second until it says "Remove" to remove them.
Various other keyboard shortcuts I use. See also Window management above, and Apple's Mac keyboard shortcuts for a more complete list.
Lock Screen | Command-Control-Q |
Show/hide the Dock | Command-Option-D |
Move file to Trash (Finder) | Command-Backspace |
Empty Trash (Finder) | Command-Shift-Backspace |
Open preferences for most apps | Command-, |
nvm (Node Version Manager) is a nice way to install, update, and switch between different versions of Node.
However, nvm will make spawning new shells significantly slower by default, because it does some expensive checking to automatically determine the right version of Node to use. I like to use a trick to defer this logic until a Node-related command is actually called for the first time in a shell session. Credit to Ioannis Poulakas for this idea.
# Defer slow nvm startup until the first time running a node-related command lazy_load_nvm() { unalias node npm nvm export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" } alias node="lazy_load_nvm && node" alias npm="lazy_load_nvm && npm" alias nvm="lazy_load_nvm && nvm"